We had a great time taking part in the 4th Annual Folly Turtle Homecoming Celebration put on by The Folly Beach Turtle Watch program. More than 85 children and parents came out to Folly Beach on May 3, 2014 to learn about sea turtles and how humans are impacting them. The free event is designed for kids to learn what it’s like to be a sea turtle on Folly Beach. There were activities about nesting, protecting, hatching and the importance of our beach habitat.

Charleston Chapter leaders Kim Counts and Marty Morganello, along with superstar volunteer Carrie Manson manned a litter maze at the event. At this station they explained how litter harms sea turtles, and shared information on how people can help protect sea turtles from trash. The station also included a necropsy of stomach contents found in a sea turtle including plastics, along with an exercise to clean the beach.
Sea Turtle Resources in the Lowcountry:
Folly Turtle Watch Program: http://www.follyturtles.com/
Island Turtle Team on Sullivan’s Island and the Isle of Palms: http://www.ccgnet.com/turtleteam/
South Carolina Aquarium Sea Turtle Rescue Program: www.scaquarium.org/strp